加拿大大学校友Spring Mixer
什么是Mixer?/What is Mixer?
A mixer party is often an informal gathering where people mingle, interact and get to know one another. Common activities at mixers may include dancing, playing games, socializing and drinking. The point of a social mixer is to enjoy the company of others who like the same things as you do or who come from the same background as you.
活动详情/Event infomation:
时间/TIME:Feb 22th, Friday 8:00PM-10PM
联合主办方/Organized by:Shenzhen Alumni Group of University of Toronto, McGill University, UBC,Waterloo University,SFU and etc.
RSVP:Please Register ASAP Below
费用/FEES:20 RMB/person, one soft drink included(20元/人,门票含一杯奶茶/冰沙/茶)
地点/LOCATION:深圳市福田区福华路88号财富大厦一楼Beeplus Cafe
餐厅名称/NAME OF VENUE:BeePlus Cafe
活动流程/Event Schedule
8:00 -8:15PM
Sign in
Announcements Time
9:00– 10:00
Social Time
建议大家参加活动时带上自己的名片。Please bring your business card.
如果你毕业于加拿大其他学校,也欢迎你的参加!Welcome alumni from other Canadian universities to join.
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